12KGs of fat is a hell of a lot to shed. Can you even imagine how ripped you’d look if you were 12KGs lighter (and all of it from body fat)? But surely that kind of transformation takes serious calorie cutting, a ton of cardio, and daily training? Not always.
CrazyBulk customer Ashish lost 12KGs of fat by training just 4 times per week. He can hardly believe it, but we can. Because he did the smart thing and added Clenbutrol to his supplement stack.
It’s remarkable to look at Ashish before he got started.
And now to look at his ‘after’ photos.
Now look again. Go on, really look at those results. Cos we’ve got to say – Ashish, man, that’s really something!
His body weight was hiding his true physiqueThe ‘before’ Ashish wasn’t in bad shape by the average person’s standards. You can tell he’s got a good solid physique under there. But that’s the problem with excess body fat. It keeps the real you – the big, lean, muscular you – under wraps. That’s exactly how Ashish felt before he started taking Clenbutrol.
He was sitting around 96KGs, which isn’t a bad weight for a guy of his height, but he felt too bulky. It was time to cut down so he could see the results of his hard work.
Like a lot of us, Ashish tried his best to diet off the excess pounds. He’s a smart guy, he knew what he needed to do. He started taking more care of his diet, cutting back on the crap, bringing his calories in line. He even added cardio into the mix (and I’m sure nobody loves that, right?) He saw a bit of a change. But he was still a million miles away from his goal.
Ashish knew what he wanted to see in the mirror. Big, wide shoulders. Lean arms and abs. Veins popping, muscle fibres moving. He’d seen other guys achieve it, but he knew they were taking banned substances and he didn’t want to go that route.
So he started looking for safe, legal, natural supplements which would help him finally get the weight off. There was just one rule: the product had to work!
Enter Clenbutrol After a little searching, Ashish discovered Clenbutrol on the CrazyBulk website. “The CrazyBulk website is clear and easy to understand,” he said. He found the information about products, training, and fat loss helpful. “Before I added Clenbutrol to my routine, I had a few questions. The CrazyBulk team was great, explaining everything to me until l was ready to buy.”
Once Ashish introduced Clenbutrol to his daily routine, he saw results happening fast. He started out at 95KGs and before long was walking around at a lean, tight 83KGs. That’s a seriously impressive weight for a guy of his stature. You can see that almost all that 11KGs was body fat. In fact, he may have lost more than 11KGs fat. As he’s clearly gained some muscle weight in the process.
Enter Clenbutrol After a little searching, Ashish discovered Clenbutrol on the CrazyBulk website. “The CrazyBulk website is clear and easy to understand,” he said. He found the information about products, training, and fat loss helpful. “Before I added Clenbutrol to my routine, I had a few questions. The CrazyBulk team was great, explaining everything to me until l was ready to buy.”
Once Ashish introduced Clenbutrol to his daily routine, he saw results happening fast. He started out at 95KGs and before long was walking around at a lean, tight 83KGs. That’s a seriously impressive weight for a guy of his stature. You can see that almost all that 11KGs was body fat. In fact, he may have lost more than 11KGs fat. As he’s clearly gained some muscle weight in the process.

Win/win! More training, more energy, more calories gone!
Ashish’s entire transformation took 6 months, but he saw amazing changes within just a couple months. And it wasn’t just about what he could see in the mirror.
“Once I added Clenbutrol to my daily routine, I could feel a good increase in my strength and performance,” he said. “All my lifts went up, I could train harder, and my gym performance was better than ever. That feels really satisfying, let me tell you.”
26lbs fat loss with just 4 training sessions a week
Throughout his amazing 6-month transformation, Ashish only trained 4 times per week. That left him with plenty of time to enjoy his busy social life and show off the results of his increasingly leaner, bigger physique. And trust us, it’s not gone unnoticed!
“Yep, I really did only train four times a week!” he told us. “I changed my workouts every four weeks and followed a push/pull or upper/lower split.”
What about cardio? Did Ashish beast himself with daily cardio, fasted cardio, or HIIT? Not so much.
“I just did 30 minutes of cardio in the gym after my weights sessions,” he said. It’s a nice way to chill out at the same time as getting a bit of extra calorie burn.
We think you’ll agree Ashish’s Clenbutrol transformation is awesome. Even his face has leaned down. Check out those abs, that waist, and the separation between his pecs and delts. You can even see his serratus!
Wanna replicate Ashish’s results?
Clenbutrol could help you get rid of your unwanted body fat for good – even if you only have time to train 4 times per week! What would you look like after losing 11KGs body fat? When you’re ready to get started, go grab yourself some Clenbutrol and get to it!