3 Dumbbell Leg Workouts For Massive Legs

by surendra kumar May 07, 2021 4 min read

3 Dumbbell Leg Workouts For Massive Legs

Squat those twig-sized legs away with these intense dumbbell leg workout routines for massive, head-turning thighs & calves!

Dumbbell Leg Workouts for Stronger, Bigger Legs 

Best Dumbbell Leg Exercises

1. Dumbbell Squat

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells and let them hang at your sides. The palms should be facing the body.
  • Push the chest forward, keep the back straight, point the toes outward, and place the feet about shoulder-width apart from each other. 
  • Next, squat down by driving the hips back and bending the knees. Continue until the thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Pause for one count and then press the body back up by driving the heels through the floor. 

2. Walking Dumbbell Lunge

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells and let them hang at the sides. The palms should be facing the body.

  • Position the feet about hip-width apart from each other, pump the chest out, and maintain a straightforward gaze.

  • Step the right foot forward and then lunge down by bending the right and left knee until they hit 90 degrees. Make sure to keep the back straight.

  • Next, step forward with the back foot to push the body back up. 

  • Alternate between the left and right leg.

3. Dumbbell Step-Up

  • Stand in front of a flat bench, grab a pair of dumbbells, and let them hang at the sides with the palms facing the body. Step the right foot up onto the bench and bend the knees at 90 degrees.

  • Next, drive the right foot through the bench to push the body up. Just let the left foot hang off the bench.

  • Push the hips backward to bring the left and right foot back on the floor alternately. 

  • Repeat with the other leg.

4. Dumbbell Crossover Lunge

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells, let them hang at the sides with the palms facing the body, and then position the feet shoulder-width apart from each other. Step the left foot backward, crossing it behind the right leg.

  • Keeping the back straight and chest pumped out, lunge down by bending both the front and back knee.

  • Pause and then drive the feet through the floor to push the body back up. Alternate between the left and right leg.

5. Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells and let them hang at the sides. The palms should be facing the body.

  • Position the feet about hip-width apart from each other, pump the chest out, bend the knees slightly, and maintain a straightforward gaze. Without bending the knees any further, lower the weights down to the middle of the shins by driving the hips backward and folding the torso forward. Imagine as if one was trying to touch the wall with his/her butt.

  • Pause and then drive the heels through the ground to push the body back up again.

6. Standing Calf Raise With Dumbbells

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells, let them hang at the sides with the palms facing the body, and then position the feet hip-width apart from each other. Using only the balls of the feet, push the body up. One should feel a stretch in their calves because they’re standing on their toes.

  • Hold for two counts and then slowly go back to the starting position. 

7. Goblet Squat Jump

  • Grab the underside of a dumbbell with both hands and hold it vertically close to the chest.

  • Next, position the feet wider than shoulder-width apart from each other, keep the back straight, and maintain a straightforward gaze. 

  • Slowly squat down by bending the knees until they hit 90 degrees.

  • Pause for one count and then push the feet hard against the floor to propel the body up in the air.  

Top 3 Dumbbell Leg Workout Routines

1. Dumbbell Leg Workout with Supersets

This is the best dumbbell leg workout for fitness buffs who want to add lots of lean muscle mass without spending hours training legs.

For the supersets, perform the exercises back to back without resting. After that, you can rest as much as you need to. 

Set 1

  • Walking Dumbbell Lunge (3 sets, 10 to 12 reps per leg)

Set 2

  • Dumbbell Squats (3 sets, 10 to 12 reps)

Set 3

  • Dumbbell Step-Up (2 sets, 13 to 15 reps per leg)

  • Dumbbell Crossover Lunge (2 sets, 7 to 9 reps per leg)

Set 4

  • Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift (3 sets, 10 to 12 reps)

Set 5

  • Standing Calf Raise (3 sets, 16 to 20 reps)

2. Strength-Boosting Dumbbell Leg Workout

Perform the six exercises consecutively before taking a three-minute break. Afterward, go through the routine three to four more times for a total of five sets.

  • Dumbbell Squats (3 sets, 16 reps)

  • Walking Dumbbell Lunge (3 sets, 8 reps per leg)

  • Dumbbell Crossover Lunge (3 sets, 8 reps per leg)

  • Goblet Squat Jump (3 sets, 16 reps)

  • Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift (3 sets, 16 reps)

  • Dumbbell Step-Up (3 sets, 8 reps per leg)

3. Dumbbell Leg Work out for Muscle Mass


Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with a 15-second pause in between each move. After finishing the circuit, go through the exercises two more times for a total of three sets.
  • Dumbbell Squat
  • Goblet Squat Jump
  • Walking Dumbbell Lunge
  • Dumbbell Crossover Lunge
  • Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift

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